Thursday 1 August 2013

Government Has No Place Using Tax Payer Money in This Way

Dave Faulkner can call Andrew Bolt a "blowhard"; but I'm a 28 year old film student, and I too think excessive tax paying funding of art and music is wrong.

Yeah. All those who want to be able to spend their own money are "blowhards."

What evil right wing culture haters.

Making people pay for something they won't see, and probably aren't a fan of, is the same as forcing them to endure ideas of which they dissaprove; it is akin to an intellectual version of forced labour.
Hey, Dave, that makes you kinda like Pol Pot.

If live music is so popular and "big", as you claim, it doesn't need government support. What is it about capitalism you don't understand. Popularity equals demand. Demand equals customers and patrons. Patrons pay money. Are leftists allergic to an understanding of basic economics?

So I ask again, why should people who will never go to see live music, or people who are not fans of indie rock and live music, have to pay to prop it up?

The Dave Faulkners and Marieke Hardys of this world have an automatic reflex that sees them turn to government the minute their industry or livelihood finds itself in dire straits.

Maybe if they stopped making annoying, navel gazing hipster garbage then people would pay to listen

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