Wednesday 10 October 2012

Obama's Ring - Conspiracy?

Kooks and conspiracy theory nuts are just as bad when they come from the conservative side of politics. All those claiming Obama has the Shahadah (Islamic oath that is the requirement for becoming a Muslim) written on a gold ring, are doing the conservative cause a disservice. This only fuels the Left in it's belief that conservatives are intolerant nut jobs and conspiracy freaks.

We need to fight Obama on the facts, not on assumptions or crazy theories.

Obama has more faults than allegedly being a "secret Muslim. Romney is committed to focusing on these faults. Things like Obama's Carter like weakness in the wake of the murders in Benghazi. His racial game playing and race baiting after the Trayvon Martin shooting. His secrecy regarding his education records and the socialist connections of himself and his family. His support for abortion and partial birth abortion. His support for gay marriage. Skyrocketing debt and 24 million unemployed during his tenure. 4 years and the debt tripled. These are all areas in which Obama deserves criticism. Concentrating on unproven maybes and crackpot controversies mean he avoids the real scrutiny he should receive.

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