Thursday 18 October 2012

"Misogynist!" the New "Racist!"

Americans have long used racial issues to discredit political candidates, especially Republicans. Opponents of Obama are regularly cited as proof of an undercurrent of racism. MSNBC takes particular pride in calling out this "racism." 

Now a new kind of victimhood is catching on. 

Both Tony Abbott and Mitt Romney, are said to have a "problem with women." 

The gender card is a new card in play, in a long and tiresome list of made up grievances and self proclaimed victimhoods. 

At the core of the debate is abortion and so called "choice." I'm not going to get into abortion in this post because it is a subject that requires a post of it's own. However, I will say that feminists, leftists, or what the Americans call: "liberal minded" women have an unhealthy obsession with abortion. The presidential candidate who lets them kill their unborn child whenever they "choose" to, is the candidate they will vote for. 

In Australia, the allegations that Tony Abbott is a misogynist stem from he and his party's refusal to approve, should they be voted into government, the abortion pill RU486. The refusal has as much - if not more - to do with safety concerns rather than ethical. 

Yet, for women to become so ferocious that they would call a man a misogynist because he chooses to be pro life, shows how intolerant they themselves are. 

Of course, there are other reasons why Abbott is accused of misogyny: he's a Catholic male.

 British actor, comedian and personality Stephen Fry tweeted that Abbott was that "creepy Christian homophobe." So is he creepy because he's a Christian? Or because he's a homophobe? Or both? This is another case of those shouting "Bigot!" actually being bigots themselves. 

Tony Abbott and Mitt Romney are accused of having "women problems" because they, through no fault of there own, happen to be men. It's actually quite sexist and judgemental. 

And if women want to complain about how badly Julia Gillard is being treated,  I might ask them if they remember how the following women were, and are treated: Margaret Thatcher, Sarah Palin, Sophie Mirabella, Bronwyn Bishop, Kelly O'Dwyer, Julie Bishop. 

"Misogynist!" It's the new "Racist!"             

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