Tuesday 30 October 2012

Obama Might Just Clinch It

Obama wins Florida. Wins the election. That's my prediction. Why? 

Well, it didn't hurt that the third and final debate was in Florida. The state got a chance to see the candidates close up. The importance of the debate would not have been lost on either man. It's no doubt the reason why Obama arguably won the debate. 
Florida voters will remember that performance. 

Also, Hurricane Sandy. 

The Presidents response and leadership during this disaster will determine whether he retains the White House. 

He's doing nothing different to what George W. Bush did during Katrina. Of course, the Dark Saint gets nowhere near the vitriolic abuse and criticism that the 43rd President did. 

Anything Obama does from now will get him more Black votes. The Black community is so blinded by Obama love it would vote for him even if he reversed his policies. 

The other factor likely to get Obama over the line is the undecided voter. There is so much liberal bias in the media that it essentially means that  even when Obama isn't on the tv screens his message is still getting out to the American public. 

Take MSNBC, for example, and the infamously Left Chris Matthews. Undecided voters who watch Matthews and MSNBC are subject to a shameless Obama barracking which could have an influence on their voting choices. 

On Saturday I will present my final predictions, state by state.  



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